The Marriage Sun, By Ivy M. Goldstein – Jacobson
The two parties to a marriage are individuals and therefore represented by the sun (the ego) in their charts; so that as both persons have progressed to a point of marriage so have their Suns become one. To find what this writer originated and calls the Marriage Sun (M-S) simply add the age to the natal Sun in each chart, and then add the directed Suns together.
译:意味婚姻生活的双方为他们各自的太阳。当他们结婚时,他们需用一个称作‘Marriage Sun'(简称M-S)来意味。计算方式:首先把各自结婚时的实际年龄加到各自的本命盘上,然后将各自所得结果相加。具体解释如下:
In this example, he was born on June 21, 1901 and she on May 21, 1902: they married in November, 1920.
--------------------->>S dg mn
She 19 -- Directed Sun 2 19:11
He 20 --- Directed Sun 3 19:16
The Marriage Sun Libra (6) 8:27
然后,Directed Sun的计算过程:
女方降生时间为1902年5月21日,结婚在1921年11月,此时太阳所在度数为金牛座29度10分零37。这里方便计算,暂且把结婚日设为1921年11月21日。此时,女方年龄为19岁零6个月,按一度意味一年推进的话,此时推进了19度零30分左右。于是,她的directed sun应该等于本命太阳加上推进的度数,为金牛座29度10分零37加上19度30分==结果为双子座19度10分零37,因为‘零37'大于一分的一半,故进一分,最终得(双子座)19度11分。同样的,男方降生时间为1901年6月21日,结婚在1921年11月,此时太阳所在度数为双子座29度04分左右。方便计算,把结婚日设为1921年11月21日。此时,男方年龄为20岁零5个月,按一度意味一年推进的话,此时推进了20度零12分左右。于是,他的directed sun应该等于本命太阳加上推进的度数,为双子座29度04分加上20度12分==结果为(巨蟹座)19度16分。
最后,‘Marriage Sun'的计算过程:
在‘mn'那一竖行,19度11分与19度16分相加,得38度27分。因为一个十二星座是30度,所以把30度进一位到‘dg'那一竖行,然后‘mn'那竖行结果为‘8:27'。因为‘dg'那一竖行两个‘Directed Sun'相加为5,再加上进上来的那一位,结果为‘(6)'。至于为哪些在‘Libra(天秤)',我猜想是因为从黄道第一宫白羊开始,进1到金牛,进2到双子,以此类推,进6则到天秤。
Since marriage is a feminine institution, we will read the M-S in her chart, with the 10th 27 Scorpio; 11th, 21 Sagittarius; 12th, 14 Capricorn; Ascendant, 12:31 Aquarius; 2nd, 24 Pisces; and 3rd in 0 Taurus.
译:因为婚姻生活属相阴性,我们需在她女方的命盘上讲解M-S: 她的十宫头落在天蝎座27度,十一宫头落射手座21度,十二宫头落摩羯座14度,上升(一宫头)落水瓶座12度31分,二宫头落双鱼座24度,三宫头落金牛座零度。
In 1928 their divorce was granted when the M-S in 15 Libra opposed Venus, but they were reconciled the following year when the M-S trined Pluto 18 Gemini, ruler legalizing-9th in the domestic-4th when they adopted a baby girl; the adoption be come final in 1933 when the M-S 20 Scorpio sextiled Uranus in the adoption-11th House. They separated when the M-S was square Saturn in 27 Capricorn, but were reconciled in 1942, drawn by the trine to Neptune 0 Cancer in child-5th. In 1943 they separated when the M-S 0 Scorpio was quincunx the sun 0 Gemini, ruler of marital-7th, and were divorced in 1945, the degree becoming final when the M-S 3 Scropio was conjunct the North Node & exactly setsquare Pluto. He then married another.
译:1928年他们离婚时在天秤座15度的M-S(Marriage Sun)冲金星,但第二年M-S三分在双子座18度的冥王星时他们又重新复合了,并收养了一个女宝宝,此时守护第九宫(法律相关)的冥王星落第四宫(家庭相关)。1933年当在天蝎座20度的M-S六分十一宫(收养相关)的天王星时,收养终结。之后当M-S四分位于摩羯座27度的土星时,他们分手。1942年当M-S三分在巨蟹0度并落第五宫(子女相关)的海王星时,他们又与解了。1943年当在天蝎座0度的M-S五分双子座0度并守护第七宫(婚姻生活相关)的太阳时,他们又分手了,并于1945年当在天蝎座3度的M-S合北交点并与冥王星准确呈刑相位时离婚。之后男方与其它人结婚。
Copyright 1961 by Ivy M. Goldstein - Jacobson,
Translated by zlxxlypp, 18.Mar.2005
Reorganised in 17.Apr.2005.