


异变孤尘围观:更新时间:06-18 16:05

Planetary Pictures0Bv星座分析

We have the chart data to enter into our computer program and now need to ascertain the correct time zone and whether hours are to be added or subtracted.0Bv星座分析



To prepare for our work, we will need 3 types of printout:0Bv星座分析

1) A data list showing the longitudes of the planets, transneptunians, and relational points,0Bv星座分析

2) a horoscopic chart in the 90° format with space for placing a 15-centimeter dial in the middle, and0Bv星座分析

3) a listing of the midpoints in the chart notated in the 22.5° system (16 th harmonic).0Bv星座分析



2、一个 90dial 盘,一个 15cm 的指针:)0Bv星座分析

3、一个星盘中点的清单, 地方用 22.5 度( 16 倍相位)表示。0Bv星座分析

These printouts are available in the Aureas Special Uranian program, desgined specifically for use with our lessons.0Bv星座分析

And to perform our work, we will need one of 2 things: either0Bv星座分析

a) the Aureas Special Uranian program, which includes a versatile on-screen 90° dial chart, with functions that make midpoint analysis easier than when using a printed chart and dial manually, or0Bv星座分析

b) a printed 90° chart, which the Special Uranian program also provides, and should be used with a 15-centimeter 90° dial with either a pin or nut-and-bolt to secure it to a clipboard. Please contact finblake@mindspring.comif you need a 90° dial suitable for our work.0Bv星座分析


A) 一个能作 90dial 盘的程序,最佳能简洁的解析中点0Bv星座分析

b) 推销这个软件的,我下了但是demo不能用呵呵不知道是不是自己系统有问题。0Bv星座分析

An illustration of the 90° dial can be seen here.0Bv星座分析


The dial shows two rows of numbers. Starting at 0°, we see the degrees marked in 5° increments, on both sides, around the outer circle of the dial, until we reach 45°. Then we take note of the second circle inside, which starts with 45° and continues up to 90°. Thus we see 5° on the outer circle corresponding with 85° on the inner, 20° to 70°, 30° to 60°, and then 45° to 45°. Because of this arrangement, we can easily detect symmetrical relationships within the chart.0Bv星座分析

Dial 盘显示了两圈刻度。外圈由 0 度开始,每五度一个标记,向两边增加,到 45 度结束。第二圈开始与 45 度,到 90 度结束。外圈的 5 度对应内圈的 85 度, 20 度对应 70 度, 30 度对应 60 度, 45 度对应 45 度。这样的排列让我们能够很容易的察觉行星之间的对称关系。0Bv星座分析

The pointer (at 0° and 90° of the dial) can be set toward any given point on the chart. We will then note where each of the other factors in the chart is located in relation to 0°.0Bv星座分析

停在外圈 0 度与内圈 90 度的指示器,可以对准星盘中的任何一点,我们就可以发现任何其他一点与 0 点之间的关系。0Bv星座分析

At this point, I would like to relate a story. One day, Alfred Witte was sitting at the shore and threw a stone into the water. He observed how small circular waves emanated outward from where the stone first contacted the water. Then, when he threw two stones into the water at the same time, he noted that at the central meeting point of the two circular patterns, a straight line was formed.0Bv星座分析


We can also observe similar patterns in the movements of a boat. If it is stopped in a still harbor with the motor turned off, it creates practically no waves. However, if someone starts the motor and the propellor begins to turn, continual circular motion is triggered in the surrounding water. Traveling outward, away from the shore, the boat arrives in proximity to other boats, and at the point where the waves created by each boat meet, we also see a straight line formed in the water.0Bv星座分析

我们在行船的时候一样可以观察到这个现象,如果船关掉发动机停在港口,它几乎不会产生波纹 , 但是一旦有人发动马达,水面上就会出现连续的波纹,如果开船离开港口接近别的船,在两艘船各自形成的波纹中间会出现一条直线。0Bv星座分析

We can translate this undular motion into what would occur out in the cosmos. Every planet, due to its rotation, sends vibrational waves out into the atmosphere, and straight lines result when they meet up with the vibrations of other planets. This motivated Alfred Witte to take note of the significance of midpoints. When the energies of any two planets intermix, they counteract yet ultimately complement each other in a remarkable manner.0Bv星座分析


In cases where a third planet lies at the midpoint of the first two we just considered, a "planetary picture" is formed. On page 54 of the German anthology "Man: A Receiving Station of Cosmic Influences", Alfred Witte wrote: "A planetary picture is formed by three planets when one of them is located at the midpoint of the other two. These three planets can actually exist in six possible sequences in relationship to each other; and within these six possible sequences, each of the three planets will lie at the midpoint of the other two in 2 of the 6 sequences"; and he continues: "the two outlying planets would together exert an influence on the planet occupying their symmetrical axis."0Bv星座分析


Now, in a personal chart we will observe how planetary pictures are detected. Thus we will look at the natus of Bill Gates, born 1955.Oct.28 at 22h00 PST in Seattle (122W20 x 47N36).0Bv星座分析

现在,让我看看行星图像是怎样在个人星盘中被发现的。我们可以看比尔盖茨的本命盘 1955.Oct.28 at 22h00 PST in Seattle (122W20 x 47N36)0Bv星座分析

First, we set the 0° pointer of the dial on 0° Aries of the chart and look to the right and to the left for symmetrical relationships. We refer to this approach as investigation of the axis. We will find factors to either side at approximately the same degrees, left and right. Since with the 90° dial we have a fourfold magnification of the 360° dial, it is easier to recognize more precisely where the midpoints, as well as the individual factors, are located. The 90° dial is also easier on our eyes. In our later years in particular, we would all want to preserve our vision and protect the sensitivity of our eyes. At the distance of 3°, we find Cupido to the left and Vulkanus to the right, notated as CU/VU. At 5° we find the MC to the left and Apollon to the right, actually closer to 6°, notated as MC/AP.0Bv星座分析

首先,我们我们把 0 度的指针放到白羊座的 0 度上,然后看看指针的左边与右边有哪些?星体对称。这个方式就像研究轴线一样,我们可以发现两端有着近似度数的星体,由于 90dial 盘把 360 度盘放大 4 倍,比起那些单独的它更容易发现中点的地方, 90dial 盘对你的眼睛也是有好处的,你也希望保护的眼睛吧:)在 3 度左右,我们发现丘比特在左边 3 度处弗卡努斯在右边 3 度处,简写为 CU/VU 。 5 度处,的我们发现 MC 在左边,阿波罗在右边,十分接近 6 度,记为 MC/AP 。0Bv星座分析

If we now go back to the concept of the planetary picture, incorporating the factor in the middle, we note that AR=CU/VU=MC/AP, and we thus have 2 single planetary pictures. In order to find further pictures, we could also quickly glance at a printout listing the midpoints.0Bv星座分析

如果现在回到行星图像这个概念上,我们可以把这种关系记为 AR=CU/VU=MC/AP 由中点引发的关系让我们有了两个行星图像,我们可以快速的浏览中点清单来找到更多的行星图像。0Bv星座分析

The Sun, as the source of life and vitality, is the most important point in a chart. We now rotate the dial so that 0° points to the Sun and we look for symmetries.0Bv星座分析

We find at 22° and 23° Jupiter and Kronos on one side, and Poseidon on the other. This can be notated as JU/PO, KR/PO. This alone is the indicator of a unique personality in a special position. In working with the 16 th harmonic, JU.KR.PO show up as being equal in value to the Sun, and this combination is therefore a unifying theme in all midpoints lying on this axis.0Bv星座分析

太阳,生命的活力来源于,是星盘种最重要的点,我们现在旋转指针让它对准太阳,这样 0 度就指向太阳,我们就可以寻找对称在太阳左右的行星。0Bv星座分析

我们可以发现在 22 度与 23 度木星与克隆纳斯在一边,波赛东在另外一边。这个可以记为 JU/PO KR/PO ,这是都能反映独一无二的个人性情。在 16th 倍相位图里面 JU KR PO 与太阳重合,这个合相,奠定了所有落在这个轴上中点所反映的主题。0Bv星座分析

Next, at 25° we find Mars and Zeus, or MA/ZE. Thus, as a unified or combined planetary picture, we have0Bv星座分析

SU=JU/PO=KR/PO=MA/ZE=MO/ME, or in 22.5° notation, SU=JU=KR=PO=MA/ZE=MO/ME.0Bv星座分析

然后,我们又可以发现在 25 度的地方,火星与宙斯, MA/ZE ,这样作为一个统一的行星图像我们可以这样写 SU=JU/PO=KR/PO=MA/ZE=MO/ME0Bv星座分析

或者在 22.5 度盘中的符号, SU=JU=KR=PO=MA/ZE=MO/ME 我们以后在对这个做解释,现在我们只是阐述这个技术。0Bv星座分析

We will consider the interpretations later. At this point, we want to first clarify the technique.0Bv星座分析

Similarly, when adjusting the dial to any given factor, we can find a series of midpoints which altogether form a combined, or complex, planetary picture.0Bv星座分析


