


绝祖围观:更新时间:06-18 19:19



When calculating the time, remember the marriage starts with the first "I do!"QuK星座分析


1. There should be no squares from the Moon and it should not be void of course. A waxing Moon (between the New and Full Moon) is better than a waningone (between the Full and New Moon).QuK星座分析

1.月亮要无刑相位, 且不在空亡. 月盈优于月亏.QuK星座分析

2. Fixed signs rising are best when you want a long lasting relationship. Next are the Cardinal signs, especially Libra (relationship oriented),Capricorn (the need for any venture to be successful) and Cancer (nurturing). Aries and Mutable signs can indicate very short lived situations.QuK星座分析

2.要有长久稳固的婚姻生活上升选不变十二星座, 其次为本位十二星座, 尤其是天秤座(原主宰婚姻生活关系), 磨羯座(冒险而成功的需要),QuK星座分析

巨蟹座(养护). 牡羊座与变动十二星座指示短而生动的情况.QuK星座分析

3. A relationship usually works well when the ruler of the Ascendant (1st) and Descendant (7th) are in good aspect to each other, since they represent the two parties in question.QuK星座分析

当一宫主与七宫主有好交角时, 关系常能维持良好.QuK星座分析

4. Try to have the Sun and Moon (portraying the groom and bride) in good aspect to each other.QuK星座分析


5. Because Saturn can bring on limits or delays, it should not be placed in an angular house. It fares best in cadent (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) houses or, if that is not possible, put it in one of the succedent (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th)houses. If possible, avoid all harsh applying aspects to Saturn, including the conjunctions. When the aspect becomes exact, there could be misunderstandings, feelings of neglect or sadness of some kind.QuK星座分析

5.土星带来限至与阻碍, 不应位于始宫, 最佳在果宫(三六九十二宫), 若难避免, 则置于续宫(二五八十一宫).QuK星座分析

尽可能使行星与土星无凶交角, 包括合相在内. 因凶相在准确交角时, 会造成误解, 伤心或某程度的忽视感.QuK星座分析

6. If you want the relationship to proceed in a pleasant fashion, keep Uranus out of the angular houses, especially the 1st and 7th.QuK星座分析

若欲使婚姻生活能愉快的进行, 让天王星远离始宫, 尤其是一七宫.QuK星座分析

7. The luminaries (Sun and Moon), as well as Venus and Jupiter (the benefics), should be above the horizon, if possible. Elevated planets are morevisible and seem to bring a certain ease to the elected venture.QuK星座分析

尽可能使日月(光)金木(吉)在水平面上. 高空的星能被见到, 且对所涯事项有轻松的帮助.QuK星座分析

8. Try to have Venus (woman) and Mars (man) in harmonious aspect to each other, also Venus (love and partnership) to the Ascendant/Descendant (thecouple); Jupiter (luck and growth) to the Ascendant/Descendant, the Moon (feelings) to Venus (harmony). In other words, a strong, well aspected Venus is very beneficial.QuK星座分析

使金(女性)与火(男性)有好交角, 以下亦是: 金(恋爱与伙伴)与ASC/Desc(配偶), 木(好运与成长)与ASC/Desc,QuK星座分析

月(情感)与金(与谐). 换言之, 有力而交角良好的金星是有益的.QuK星座分析

9. Avoid the Moon in Scorpio where it is in its fall and where it canbe secretive and possessive, not exactly conducive to a happy relationship. A Libra Moon, on the other hand, works quite well in a marriage Electional chart since it seeks harmony and balance. Strong and well matched couples seem to do well with the Moon in Leo.QuK星座分析

避免月入天蝎座, 因落陷且可能带有秘密与占有, 对婚姻生活并非好事. 月入天秤则极佳, 表追求与谐与平衡.QuK星座分析


10. The Sun or Moon approaching a square or opposition to Uranus may indicatea separation or divorce when the aspect becomes exact.QuK星座分析

日或月将与天王有刑或对相, 当成为准确交角时, 可能指示分离或离婚.QuK星座分析

11. A retrograde Venus is not advised for any marriage chart. Since Venus only retrogrades for about 40 days every two years, it is fairly easy to avoid.QuK星座分析

任何婚盘都不喜金星逆行, 因每两年金星逆行约四十天, 避开很容易.QuK星座分析

