AMAZING anbook on Lilith


AMAZING anbook on Lilith

混在抗战围观:更新时间:06-18 19:47

an AMAZING book on Lilith

I have an AMAZING book on Lilith by Delphine Jay..8ET星座分析

Since It's not widely posted about, I decided to share some info.. My first post will be only on what lilith means...8ET星座分析

If anyone wants to add please do.and if anyone has questions, please ask them and i'll quote directly from this book....8ET星座分析

The author calls Luna our moon (that's how i interpret it anyway) and she calls lilith, LILITH but she calls it the "impersonal moon" the "subconscious"...8ET星座分析

Ok Here are the Lilith facts:8ET星座分析

1- Lilith has 2 levels: positve->creative/mental and aesthetic release and negative->emotionally influenced motivation8ET星座分析

2- Lilith's energy manifests positively only as an impersonal force , as opposed to Luna's distinctly personal one.8ET星座分析

3- Lilith describes the needs of the social-collective self8ET星座分析

4-Lilith is an emotionally maturing force8ET星座分析

5-Lilith moves you to extrmes on either the positive or negative level.8ET星座分析

6- Where Lilith is, there is fascination8ET星座分析

7- Lilith creates emotional repressions and phobias...8ET星座分析

8- Lilith has affinity with SATURN. Both represent disciplined circumstances that force realistic attitudes: the first emotionally the second materially ( I dont really agree with this... try saturn oppose sun, if that's not emotional what is?! but i guess she's talking about the planetary influence not the aspects....)8ET星座分析

9- Lilith depersonalizes8ET星座分析

10-Lilith frustrates the self to liberate the social collective self (she's very jungian from what i gather... ah well.. a step up from Freud )8ET星座分析

11-The house lilith occupies indicates where one must deal with his own reflections of emotional immaturity, when negatively motivated.8ET星座分析

12- The house lilith occupies indicates where one must overcome naive or childish expectations.8ET星座分析

13- Lilith demands depersonalization in the house it motivates, or with the persons of that house ...8ET星座分析

14Lilith represents RAW urges that are for the most part hidden in the personal orientation lest the individual exposea part of himself he does not understand , making him vulnerable or to appear strangely different (imagine this in the 8th house.ouch)8ET星座分析

15- Creative talent according to sign colors the vocation , giving the person some special coloring from others in the field. In some cases, it may represent the vocation itself.8ET星座分析

16- Lilith magnifies the nergy of whatever planet or point it aspects.8ET星座分析

17-Responds strongly to aspects with uranus, Moon and saturn8ET星座分析

18- Like uranus-pluto relations, only that it manifests compulsively and abruptly8ET星座分析

19- Lilith is exalted in Gemini8ET星座分析

Has its fall in cancer8ET星座分析

Dignified in Capricorn and has its fall in sag.8ET星座分析

20- Where Lilith is placed , there is sth shadowy in ther personality. It has to do witht hings that we are not sure of in ourselves.8ET星座分析

21- In the house of lilith, is where we are forced to grow our emotional dependencies.8ET星座分析

22- When living the higher lilith it specializes talent and sharpens the mind...8ET星座分析

23- Lilith releases a unique social talent by house position , and a specialty interest by sign.8ET星座分析

24- When negative, it makes one susceptible to WEIRD fascinations , strange influences, infatuations and compulsions.8ET星座分析

25- Lilith travels 3'02 a day in mean motion , 10 days to a sign and 4 months through the zodiac...8ET星座分析

So where's your lilith?8ET星座分析

Mine is in the 10th in Pisces (conjunct MC)... This one rings very true for me..8ET星座分析

My bf has lilith conjunct uranus in scorpio in the 11th... 'nuf said8ET星座分析


标题:AMAZING anbook on Lilith
