house) 随后宫(succedent


house) 随后宫(succedent

弑仙奇谭围观:更新时间:06-15 23:09

Houses numbered 2, 5, 8, and 11 are called the Succedent Houses. This is where you develop administer, and enjoy the things you start in the angular houses.RXb星座分析

宫2, 5, 8, 11 被称为随后宫。你能在这里管理与享受在角宫中开始的事情所给你带来的一切。RXb星座分析

The Second House: is usually listed as ruling money and possessions. Of course, there is more to it than that. Nobody possesses something unless they place a value on it. This is the house of values, the value you place on things. Included is the value you place on your own life, your sense of self-worth. Therefore, when you examine a horoscope for psychological problems, the second house has to be checked.RXb星座分析

The Second House shows how you develop and enjoy the things you begin in your First House. It shows how you posses things and make them your own. For a good contrast in second houses, check out the horoscopes of Bill Gates and Ghandi.RXb星座分析


第二宫显示了你怎么样发展趋势你在第一宫中开始的事情。你是怎样一步一步的掌控事情的,我们可以通过查看Bill Gates 与Ghandi.来更好的了解第二宫。RXb星座分析

The Fifth House: is more than just love and romance. It rules everything connected with fun and games. Sports, hobbies, gambling and speculation. That?s right. When you take a plunge in the stock market, your Fifth House shows how you do it, as well as the likely outcome. This is the house of self-expression in all forms. It corresponds to the fixed sign Leo, sign of creativity. The late Marc Edmund Jones pointed out that while the 2nd house shows how we posses inanimate things, the Fifth House is the indicator of how we make animate things our own. In other words, not just things, but creative experiences themselves. For a contrast in styles of romance, take a look at the charts of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. Compare these to the horoscope of Henri Landru who married and murdered ten women.RXb星座分析


这一宫也是自我表述之宫,它对应着意味创造的不变十二星座狮子座,晚些时候Marc Edmund Jones指出第五宫还意味了我们是如何让事情生气勃勃的。换句话说,本来事情不是这样的,但是能把这件事情变的有生气。我们可以看看Bill Clinton 与 Monica Lewinski.的星盘来感受另外一种浪漫:)RXb星座分析

The Eighth House: is opposite the 2nd. While the Second House shows our possessions and resources, the Eighth House indicates the resources and possessions of other people, our access to these things, and how they affect us. This includes the money and possessions we get through inheritance, so this house also rules death and all matters connected with it.RXb星座分析

Since the 2nd house shows our values, the Eighth House rules the values of others, including those of the society we live in. It shows how these change us and also our impact on them, how we can change these values and affect those around us.RXb星座分析

Of course, the Eighth House corresponds to the 8th sign, Scorpio. This means it rules sex as well. Actually, it shows what might be loosly termed as biological "energy". Sex is only one possible outlet. Another is rehabilitation. The Eighth House shows how well we can bounce back from ailments. Still, most people don?t worry about that unless they?re sick. Sex is what they want to know about. Look to this house to find out what "turns people on". Saturn, for instance, is controlled and controlling. Uranus is "kinky". Well, you can see the complete list in the section on Planets in the Houses.RXb星座分析





The Eleventh House: is usually shrugged off in most books as being just "friends, hopes, and wishes". But all the succedent houses have to do with possessions, and this house is no exception. One of the most valuble things we can "possess" are friends. The Eleventh House is opposite the 5th house, which is our self-expression, what we are already enjoying. By contrast, the Eleventh House shows what we want to enjoy, things we don?t have yet. Our hopes and wishes. It also shows (and most books don?t mention this) how we can help other people express themselves. Also, since this house is right after the 10th house, it shows money we get directly from career. Be sure to look to your 2nd house, however, to see if you will keep it.RXb星座分析


标题:house) 随后宫(succedent
